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記憶哈瓦納 (樂士浮生錄) (25周年紀念 黑膠2入) Buena Vista Social Club – 25th Anniversary Edition (2LP)


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記憶哈瓦納 (樂士浮生錄) (25周年紀念 黑膠2入)
Buena Vista Social Club – 25th Anniversary Edition (2LP)
發行公司:World Circuit

‘Buena Vista Social Club’ is both the name given to this extraordinary group of musicians and the album, recorded in just seven days in 1996 in Havana’s 1950s vintage EGREM studios. It was clear from the atmosphere of the recording sessions that something very special was taking place. However, no one could have predicted that Buena Vista Social Club would become a worldwide phenomenon – awarded a Grammy in 1997 and, at 8 million copies, outselling any other record in the same genre. The acclaim of the original album has elevated the artists (including Ibrahim Ferrer, Rubén González & Omara Portuondo) to superstar status, inspired an award-winning film by Wim Wenders, and has contributed to popularising Cuba’s rich musical heritage. Produced by Ry Cooder for World Circuit, the timeless quality of the music and the sheer verve of the veteran performers have ensured that this will go down as one of the landmark recordings of the 20th century. To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the album’s recording, producer Ry Cooder and World Circuit’s Nick Gold have gone back to the original tapes and into the archive to produce this Deluxe Remaster package, featuring previously unheard tracks from the original 1996 recording sessions, previously unseen photos, and new liner notes.

Buena Vista Social Club本是哈瓦那名噪一時的歌舞俱樂部,卻於40年代關閉,因轟動全球記錄片《樂士浮生錄》的拍攝,重新喚起世人對古巴音樂的記憶與迷戀,同時讓古巴傳奇巨星Ibrahim Ferrer一躍成為國際知名的古巴歌謠代表。《Buena Vista Social Club》由Ry Cooder製作,網羅古巴四代精采藝人同堂演出、不計排名的專輯,成為轟動國際間的古巴音樂經典。古巴音樂迷人之處,在於其生命力與厚實的傳統根基,Ry Cooder稱這張專輯的製作是他「一生中最精采的音樂經驗」。全球大破千萬銷售,AllMusic滿分推崇,入選滾石雜誌「史上500張經典專輯」、「死前必聽1001張專輯」一書中;榮獲葛萊美獎「最佳傳統熱帶拉丁專輯」的喝采!


1. Chan Chan (2021 Remaster)
2. De Camino a La Vereda (2021 Remaster)
3. El Cuarto de Tula (2021 Remaster)
4. Pueblo Nuevo (2021 Remaster)

1. Dos Gardenias (2021 Remaster)
2. ¿ Y Tú Qué Has Hecho? (2021 Remaster)
3. Veinte Años (2021 Remaster)
4. El Carretero (2021 Remaster)
5. Candela (2021 Remaster)

1. Amor de Loca Juventud (2021 Remaster)
2. Orgullecida (2021 Remaster)
3. Murmullo (2021 Remaster)
4. Buena Vista Social Club (2021 Remaster)
5. La Bayamesa (2021 Remaster)

1. Vicenta (Previously Unreleased Tracks And Alternate Takes From The Original 1996 Studio Session Tapes)
2. La Pluma (Previously Unreleased Tracks And Alternate Takes From The Original 1996 Studio Session Tapes)
3. A Tus Pies (Previously Unreleased Tracks And Alternate Takes From The Original 1996 Studio Session Tapes)
4. La Cleptómana (Previously Unreleased Tracks And Alternate Takes From The Original 1996 Studio Session Tapes)
5. Orgullecida (Alternate Trio Take) (Previously Unreleased Tracks And Alternate Takes From The Original 1996 Studio Session Tapes)

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